This podcast was made by an Italian expat with the special contribution of more expats.

The cover art for the podcast is from the colourfully talented Ramona Bruno, you can find more on Instagram, or on her website.

The music you hear here and there is performed by the skilful Passepartout Duo (Nicoletta Favari & Chris Salvito), you can listen to more music on their youtube channel or read about their projects on their website.

The intro music is Karakurenai by Andy Akiho. More music from The Toy Robot’s Mechanical Heart, composed by Christopher Adler. Thank both for your kind permission.

The podcast was written, recorded and produced by me with precious help by the fine Maria Passingham. Go listen to her podcasts on

I am really grateful to Barrie, Chez, Enrico, Erica, Gessica, John, Jo, Karen, Nick, Martina, Michela, Margaret, Maria, Maria, Natasha and the Manchester Lesbian and Gay Chorus (check us out) for lending their voices to the podcast.

Sound effect from used under license “Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

This podcast is dedicated to Margaret, who generously and lovingly met me halfway on the bridge between Britain and Italy, and dad, who first sowed the seeds for the Brit in me.